Thursday, August 30, 2012

Facebook slammed for 'playing subtle tricks' to confuse users about 'privacy settings'

A security adviser has accused social networking giant Facebook of playing 'five subtle tricks', which he believes pushes users into accepting app requests without thinking too closely about which information they give away.
Avi Charkham, who is helping set up a personal cloud security service, highlighted how the apps are installed on Facebook, and said recent re-designs help obscure how much data we are passing on to the company.
"Do you know how many apps access your personal information on Facebook? Facebook keeps 'improving' their design so that more of us will add apps on Facebook without realising we're granting those apps and their creators access to our personal information," the Daily Mail quoted Charkham, as writing in a blog.
Charkram, illustrating the granting of app permission both before and after recent re-designs, showed how Facebook cleverly has maneuvered the settings of the site's App Centre, lessening the control by a user and keeping the options in more small fonts and in tricky subtle ways.
"In the old design Facebook used two buttons - 'Allow' and 'Don't Allow' - which automatically led you to make a decision. In the new App Centre Facebook chose to use a single button," Charkram said in his illustration.
He also highlighted the 'Post on my Behalf', 'Access to Basic Info', and 'Action Line' features of Facebook.
Facebook's security has long been one of the most high-profile issues facing the social networking site.
The firm declined to make any comment. (ANI)

Source: ANI

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